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Code of Conduct

WADRA fully supports and endorses the ANDRA code of conduct and requires that all WADRA members do the same.


In addition, WADRA members are also to adhere to the following:


The Committee

The WADRA committee is bound by legal requirements that affect the way our club business is conducted. As elected representatives of WADRA, they agree to comply with the spirit as well as the letter of the law.


Upholding the Integrity of the Club

The WADRA Committee and Members must act honestly, in good faith and in the best interest of the association and the sport of Drag Racing as a whole. Any member witnessing activities that may compromise the good standing and/or the reputation of WADRA should advise an appropriate Committee Member. As a representative of your club, appropriate behaviour must be maintained at all times when involved in any WADRA or ANDRA associated event.


Behaviour of a Valued Club Member

All forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying are prohibited. Members showing any of these traits personally, via social media or by other forms of communication are expected to explain their actions to the satisfaction of the Committee and other club members. Actions by any member deemed to be unbecoming of a valued club member will result in the permanent cancellation of membership. These actions are not only unpleasant, they are also illegal and leave Committees, Clubs and Organisers open to litigation. WADRA expects that all behaviour at a club meeting level, at a sporting event and on any social platform should be seen as progressive, proactive and positive by members and non‑members alike. 


Certain behaviour of WADRA members at a club meeting level or at a sporting event are grounds for expulsion, cancellation of membership and in some cases require Police to be notified of their actions. These include but are not limited to -

  • Assault on another Club Member, invited guests to the club or members of the public.

  • Drunkenness

  • Unruly or obnoxious behaviour 

  • Damage to or interference with another club member's property

  • Comments placed on social media that are racist, sexist, demeaning, belittling or of a nature that is clearly intended to be derogative or offensive


Invited guests and non-members

WADRA members are responsible for any non-club members they either bring or invite to any WADRA or ANDRA associated event or club meeting.


Social Media

The following  principles apply to the use of social media on behalf of WADRA as well as personal use of social media when referencing WADRA  WADRA encourages participation on social media to promote the sport of Drag Racing and WADRA in a positive and respectful manner. The accessible nature of the internet,however, can lend itself to the posting of threatening and derogatory material in the heat of the moment. Think first, review your post, your thoughts and comments will be permanent. WADRA takes all cases of threatening, derogatory, inappropriate or harmful behaviour seriously and will treat online matters as it would if you'd said it in person.


Trophy and Monetary Awards

To qualify for end of year awards, Members must be financial prior to 31 December of each year, be actively participating and promoting club activities i.e. attendance at club meetings (signed into the attendance book), log on to online audio and identify yourself when unable to attend or offer apologies at club meetings, participation at events and displays, volunteering to assist with club activities as some examples.

Eligibility will be at the discretion of the Committee.


Mixlr Online -  Members must abide by the terms of the Mixlr site e.g: no copying or transcripting. Please read the terms on the Mixlr site.


Updated June 2020

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